

01 November, 2023

LIMONATI BY BORJOMI - Genuine Georgian Lemonade, Only By Borjomi

“Borjomi” enters a new category of drinks

IDS Borjomi Georgia expands its portfolio and enters the category of sweet carbonated drinks with a range of premium lemonades. LIMONATI BY BORJOMI – is a new innovative product that the Georgian mineral water brand will offer to consumers in the near future. “Lemonade by Borjomi” is  made on the basis of mineral water “Borjomi” and Georgian natural fruit juices.

The new Georgian lemonade is bottled in cans, on the design of the packaging worked the Italian branding agency “Pagina”. Four flavors of lemonade - pear, Adjarian mandarin, tarragon and citrus - are presented in cans of corresponding colors. The Borjomi Gorge, Borjomi mineral water and the brand's symbol - deer are combined in the design, along with the ornament, typical for Georgian architecture, in an oval shape. The Georgian-sounding name - LIMONATI by Borjomi, which is written in the international language to popularize the word, was chosen specially.

Ivane Matchavariani, CEO of IDS Borjomi Georgia

“Implementation of innovative projects and portfolio expansion is one of the important directions of our company's long-term strategy. We try to be innovators, on the one hand by introducing innovations, and on the other hand by attracting a completely different, new for us category of consumers. Entering the category of sweet carbonated drinks is not an easy task, as the environment here is quite competitive. However, we believe that “Georgian Lemonade by Borjomi” is distinguished by its ingredients and taste, which determines its success, and we will honorably continue the 100-year tradition of making lemonade in Georgia.”

“Limonati by Borjomi“ is produced at Borjomi bottling plant N2 and along with distribution in Georgia will be exported to European and Central Asian countries. Negotiations with major retail outlets are currently underway. The brand plans a communication campaign and delivery of the new product to the network from the beginning of 2024. As well it will be soon available on the company's online trading platform

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