Gastro Culture

Gastro Culture

08 November, 2023

Borjomi - The Fifth Element on the Georgian Table

The rich tapestry of the Georgian table encapsulates millennia of wisdom and experience. It goes beyond mere sustenance; it evokes emotions of pleasure, a release from daily stresses, a sense of home, tranquility, and security. It even serves a kind of psychotherapeutic function.

The art of setting the table and preparing the dishes is a distinct craft. Each dish has its purpose, each plays a role in this exquisite performance.

Some dishes make their appearance during plagues, while others are reserved for celebrations like Lkhini(Celebrating with exuberant joy through feasting, merriment, and song). Every dish has its designated time and place. Yet there are two constants around which the entire show must revolve: bread and wine. They are the leading actors of the Georgian table, and all others must harmonize with them.

Nonetheless, it's safe to say that over the last century, the life-giving water of Borjomi has joined this sacred duo.

In Georgia, no table is truly complete without Borjomi. Dishes change according to the occasion – cold dishes for New Year, eggs for Easter, Chakafuli for Easter, a wedding has its unique menu, and a feast has its own. Dishes come and go, seldom intersecting. But Borjomi remains a constant. It stands in its designated place, standing proudly as if its roots extend 8,000 meters deep. It gleams like a precious gem amidst a magnificent jewel.


Borjomi has seamlessly integrated itself into the Georgian table. It has melded with centuries-old traditions so organically that it feels as though it has always been there. In essence, it has been, for everything placed on the table draws sustenance from the same soil and water that nurtures Borjomi.

Ancient philosophers once pondered the mysteries of the universe, recognizing four fundamental elements: earth, fire, water, and air. Life, they believed, resulted from the interplay of these four elements, weaving the fabric of the cosmos. However, Aristotle introduced a fifth element, ether or space, believing it was needed to bind the others together.

In parallel, Eastern philosophy developed a concept of the fifth element, also embodying the role of space. It's remarkable how this idea transcends cultural boundaries.

Borjomi, on the other hand, harmoniously embodies all four classical elements in their full splendor – the fire of volcanic origin, a variety of minerals from a depth of 8,000 meters, and water enriched with minerals and oxygen, forming a complete palette of elemental forces.

Once bottled, Borjomi rightfully assumes its place on the Georgian table as the quintessential fifth element, the quintessence. It may occasionally go unnoticed, much like ether, but it plays a vital role, always ready to alleviate the delectable weight of the Georgian table and make the bread even more delightful than before.

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